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PocketKnowledge 1.0

PocketKnowledge 1.0

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PocketKnowledge Publisher's Description

Most of us, in our job or our personal subjects of interest, have a lot of information that we need or want to deal with. As time goes by, the amount of information available grows tremendously, and many times we have asked ourselves 'where did I read something about this?'. PocketKnowledge allows you to have, in a personal device like a PDA, all that information at your fingertips. The application provides you with a set of tools that ease the search and organization of the data. In a given book, brochure, magazine, etc., you find different elements of information. Each one of them has its own relevance and you can later need to use it. Each one of these elements is treated as a bibliographic reference by PocketKnowledge. About this bibliographic reference, you can either only save its basic data in the application's database, or you can also save all data related to the media (book, magazine, file, etc.) in which the reference is contained and the location (library, shelf, etc.) in which the media is located. PocketKnowledge also lets you associate keywords to the bibliographic reference and gives you a tool to search the references by keywords, applying on the keywords a set of logical operations the references must comply, allowing you to do different searches on the references based on keywords.

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